Request for Abstracts for Energy Efficiency proposals to serve SDG&E’s commercial Lodging Hotels/Motels customer segment

by admin on November 3, 2023


As part of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E)’s solicitation schedule, SDG&E is requesting Abstracts for Energy Efficiency (EE) program proposals to serve SDG&E’s commercial Lodging Hotels/Motels customer segment. The Lodging Hotels/Motels program solicitation is a two-stage solicitation seeking Resource Acquisition focused EE program proposals that serve the targeted customers in SDG&E’s service territory.  This is the first stage of the solicitation process that will begin in December 2023.

The potential for energy savings is great for the commercial lodging hotels/motels segment. Therefore, SDG&E is looking for innovative and comprehensive solutions that have the ability to deliver cost-effective avoided cost benefits to the electricity and natural gas systems, encourage customer engagement, achieve measurable energy savings, and produce maximal Total System Benefits (TSB)  to these customers while taking into consideration Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) as a measure of energy savings where it is feasible and cost effective. The new program should drive persistent bill savings for commercial lodging hotels/motels customers by improving energy efficiency penetration in the targeted market, improving the customer experience, and maximizing energy savings by executing cost-effective and innovative approaches. If the Bidder submits a successful Abstract in the Request for Abstracts (RFA) stage, SDG&E will invite the Bidder to participate in the Request for Proposals (RFP) stage of the solicitation.

Stage 1 is an RFA, and Stage 2 is an RFP for organizations selected from Stage 1. The RFA will enable bidders (“Bidders” or “Contractors”) to provide sufficient information for SDG&E to narrow down the selection to proceed to Stage 2, at which time we will issue a full RFP. It is not intended that Bidders prepare a detailed Abstract in Stage 1. Instead, it is important that Bidders use the Abstract to provide enough information about the overall program design; implementation and management of the proposed program; targeted market and customer segments including targeting outreach; innovative features;  program goals; and bidder experience to support implementation of the program.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this RFA is to evaluate Abstracts for program design and implementation services for the commercial lodging hotels/motels segment.

Key elements to consider when bidding on the Lodging Hotels/Motels Program RFA:

  • Adherence to Requirements
  • Program Overview
  • Program Design
  • Innovation
  • Program Operations
  • Cost and Performance
  • Experience and Capabilities

If the Abstract is successful, the bidder will be asked to submit a Proposal at a later date that will include detailed information regarding information provided in the Abstract along with additional information to further validate the Proposal.

PowerAdvocate Registration

SDG&E will manage this event through Power Advocate’s sourcing platform.  Interested bidders will need to register in Power Advocate to access all future communications and, upon its release, the RFA for the Lodging Hotels/Motels Program.

All Bidders are required to register in Power Advocate to access the RFA documents, submit questions, and submit the Lodging Hotels/Motels Program Abstract. Bidders can register in Power Advocate using the following URL:  ( Apply to the event through the “Opportunities” portal, search for the SDG&E event, click the key to request access to the event.

PowerAdvocate Support

(857)453-5800 M-F 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Interested Organizations Form

To encourage participation by Diverse Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) in the RFA solicitation, whether bidding as prime contractors or subcontractors, and to support the formation of diverse teams and new entrants, the RFA will provide a voluntary RFA participation contact list for those who provide consent. This RFA contact list enables interested DBEs, SBEs, prime contractors, and subcontractors to circulate their information (i.e., names, core capabilities, and certification statuses) and be contacted, if desired, in connection with this RFA. 

Those interested in having their information on the RFA contact list must complete and submit the Lodging Hotels/Motels Program RFA – Interested Organizations Form” linked here. This form will remain open until January 15, 2024.

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