As part of SDG&E’s solicitation schedule and to comply with D.18-01-004, SDG&E will be requesting abstracts for behavioral programs that will serve the Non-Residential market segment. This is the first stage of the solicitation process beginning on October 24th, 2022.
The purpose of this program is to increase customer awareness of their energy use and motivate them to take actions, which can include usage-based or equipment-based changes in behaviors, as well as increased participation in existing and future energy efficiency or demand response programs.
This program seeks to leverage comparative energy use reports delivered to non-residential customers by U.S. Mail, email, web portal or any combination of the three channels to achieve greater customer awareness and energy savings. This program will also be leveraged to deliver energy efficiency and demand response program offers to the participating customers.
Stage 1 is a Request for Abstract (“RFA”), and Stage 2 is a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for organizations selected from Stage 1. The RFA will enable bidders (“Bidder” or “Contractor”) to provide sufficient information for the California Investor-Owned Utilities (“IOUs”) to narrow down the selection to proceed to Stage 2, at which time we will issue a full RFP. It is not intended that Bidders prepare a detailed Abstract in Stage 1. Instead, it is important that Bidders should use the Abstract to provide enough information about the design, implementation and management of a proposed program, targeted market and customer segments, and overall program design and goals.
Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this RFA is to evaluate abstracts for program design and implementation services for the Non-Residential Behavioral Program. Key elements to consider when bidding on the RFA:
- Program Overview
- Program Design
- Program Operations
- Innovation
- Compliance
- Savings Potential
- Adherence to Requirements
If the abstract is successful, the bidder will be asked to submit a proposal at a later date that will include detailed information regarding information provided in the Abstract along with additional information to further validate the proposal.
PowerAdvocate Registration
SDG&E will manage this event through Power Advocate’s sourcing platform. Interested bidders will need to register in Power Advocate to access all future communications and, upon its release, the RFA for Non-Residential Behavioral program.
All Bidders are required to register in Power Advocate to access the RFA documents, submit questions, and submit a Non-Residential Behavioral Program Abstract. Bidders can register in Power Advocate using the following URL:
( Apply to the event through the “Opportunities” portal, search for the SDG&E event, click the key to request access to the event.
Are you registering for a specific Event:* click the ‘Yes’ button Who referred you to this Event:* PEPMA Announcement
Name of that individual’s company:* San Diego Gas & Electric Company
Name or description of the Event: 136517 Non-Residential Behavioral Request for Abstract Click “Continue”
PowerAdvocate Support
(857)453-5800 M-F 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time
Third Party EE Solicitations Information
Further information regarding SDG&E’s current solicitations for Third-Party Energy Efficiency programs can be found at the following link: