Small businesses in SDG&E’s territory have been struggling with big utility bills. On August 22, 2018, CBS reported a story on this issue: CBS Reports on Small Business Power Bills.
Nonetheless, SDG&E has requested to collect more money from ratepayers, including small businesses. In January 2018, SBUA filed as a party before the California Public Utilities Commission to intervene on San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) request for revenue and rate increases related to its Electric and Gas Services. SDG&E requests that the Commission authorizes a combined $2.199 billion revenue requirement ($433 million gas and $1.766 billion electric) to be effective January 1, 2019. For small commercial customers, SDG&E is proposing to increase the Revenue Requirement from the current $489.0M to $514.8M in 2019, representing a 5.3% increase , which represents the largest rate increase for any customer class. (See SDG&E Application (A.17-10-007), Appendix E).